Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Picnic of the Year

On April 4th we had our first picnic of 2009 up by the Jewett Observatory next to a healthy juniper bush.

We keep our picnic equipment, the old MSU blanket and our bright blue cooler box, at the ready for such purposes.

What the observatory looks like inside:

From our observation location, you can see most of the Washington State University Campus.

Including the Ensminger Pavillion, where we had our wedding reception.

We had Chicago-Style Hot Dogs, Pea Salad, Cheetos from a can, Mandarin Oranges and Root Beer.

I like Chicago Dogs.

Mark likes them more.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Aren't you two just the cutest? You are. We had a picnic too- we usually go for European style: a baguette, some cheese, some sausage, berries, chocolate and wine. On Sundays- and then no sabbath dishes!
But- I love the looks of your very American style picnic!